Chondroreparant® Hyalrepair®-10 0.8%

Vial 5.0 ml


Hyaluronic acid salt (8mg/ml, 2.0 MDa) modified with ascorbyl phosphate, glutathione, cysteine


Injectable form of medical device for extra-articular use in traumatology and orthopedics, rheumatology, neurology, rehabilitation and sports medicine:

— degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the locomotor system (ligamentous apparatus, connective tissue formations)

— periarthritis in remission

— myofascial syndrome, radicular syndrome

— tendinopathy, enthesopathy

— rehabilitation after trauma or surgery

— prevention of degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the locomotor system


Improves and sustains the content and viscosity of synovial fluid; reduces pain at rest and during physical activity; creates optimum environment for normal functioning of fibroblasts regulation of redox processes and of the initial synthesis of proteins of the intercellular matrix (collagen, elastin) and mucopolysaccharides. Reinforces connective tissue cells and extracellular structures through antioxidant and cytoprotective action – analgesic effect.


  • pain reducing and function improvement at patients with post-inflammatory changes in joints
  • antioxidant protection of cells and connective tissue of extra-articular structures


Different injection protocols. Possibility of combining the vial and syringe forms